Thursday 15 January 2009

right now.

my life is boring.
all i want is this weekend.
and then next weekend is the party, im not the best with parties, especially when 92 people have replied on facebook - 'attending'.

what did people do before facebook to invite people to parties...i don't even know?
and what did people do to say they were officially going out before facebook and the 'in a relationship' status.

i really should try and come up with some interesting things to write about in this blog. but i have a simple mind which is amused by pretty shoes, pretty dresses and not so pretty women in sex and the city.

currently, i am enjoying eating a lot of soup.
it's thick soup, so i think i can technically call it 'eating'
i have also been eating at least 5 pieces of fruit/veg a day.
my new years resolution was to eat more fruit. my shelf in the fridge is currently filled with melon slices, mango slices, pomegranite seeds and a mix of pineapple, kiwi and grapes.

and this is my life....
dull isn't it.

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